herbal tonics

Renew yourself inside and out with teas and tonics that tantalize and invigorate.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

About Us

T’s Tonics was created out of the need for simple, natural and easy healing products for my family and yours. Fun, friendly and fast acting are the requirements as well as the highest level of therapeutic, organic ingredients available so that everything is edibly healthy.
Raised with the home-remedy herbalism of the hippie generation, it was natural when we settled in Central Oregon to grow a big garden of herbs and doctor our family and neighbors with tonics and teas out of it. Health information was what I always brought with me when we went visiting, like it or not. So when I was introduced to pure plant essential oils as medicinals, the lights went on and the experimentations in my kitchen
reached a whole new level.
I was, and still am, continually amazed at the healing power of therapeutic grade essential oils. My first aid kit has a whole different look to it now and I am able to treat nearly every ailment and injury that comes our way with oils. In fact, I am always looking for new guinea pigs to try things on.
Still, I am an experimenter at heart and love creating healthy solutions, so I went to work and combined protective essential oils and aloe into sunblock/skin soother for a trip we were going on. It worked so well that my husband insisted I have some available in every room of the house (we use it as moisturizer) and that I share it..
I was having so much fun and getting results so next came bug repellent, teas, mood-lifter sprays, moisturizers, as well as all-purpose healing balms, etc.
Along the way, healing has occurred, friends have been made, and are treasured, people have been helped, testamonials have been shared, growing is happening,
the journey is worth it. Come join me on this incredible journey of living at our fullest with health, energy, and abundance!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Recycle your tea!

No need to throw out your used tea leaves immediately. There are lots of creative uses for them:

For Plants: dump the tea leaves around your house plants or in your garden compost. They make excellent mulch and plant food as well as help repel bugs.

Eye freshener: use chilled used tea bags (or left-over tea poured on a cotton cloth and cooled) and place over eyes for up to 20 minutes to soothe tired and red eyes.

Minor cuts, abrasions and sunburn: Soak a cloth in used tea or steamed, cooled tea leaves (that have no unnatural additives) and lay on the abused area for 5-15 minutes up to four times a day for visible relief.

Temporary suntan: Strong brewed unscented, unflavored black tea is best to use for a temporary suntan. Add up to a cup of tea to your bath and soak for about 20 minutes to give your skin a slightly darker, healthy hue. (It will wash off in the next shower or bath.)

Hair Rinse: For a rinse that leaves your hair soft and glossy, as well as a little darker, use left-over brewed black tea as a rinse after shampooing. Wash out if you do not want a darker color or leave on for wonderful feeling hair.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let's Talk Tea

All Organic herbs and the highest quality of fresh ingredients create these delightful depths of flavor and healing power. 3 oz. Bulk / 20 teabags $7.95

e-mail tstonics@tstonics.com to purchase or call (541) 419-1284

Walk In the Jungle (Fair Trade Rooibos) A naturally energizing, robust herbal chai delivers spice straight from the jungle. Organic Red Rooibos, Pau d’ Arco, Birch bark, Hibiscus Flowers, Cinnamon bark, Ginger Root, Cloves, Allspice berries, Star Anise, Peppercorns, Nutmeg, and Vanilla. Caffeine Free.

Sports Recovery Tea (Fair Trade Rooibos) Helps to Revitalize & Repair energy, muscles, tissues and stamina before, during and after exertion. Fair trade red rooibos, licorice root, pau d’ arco, ginseng root, ginkgo, comfrey, birch bark, lemongrass, ginger, hibiscus, horsetail, dandelion, yucca, cayenne.

Spring Tonic (Green Tea) Rejuvenate the body, purify the blood and cleanse the skin, energize and strengthen the systems yet delight the senses. Green tea, dandelion leaf, jasmine flowers, taheebo, fennel seed, hyssop, yarrow, red clover leaf, marshmallow, horsetail, star anise and parsley.

Hot & Spicy Energizing Tea (Black Tea) An invigorating and spicy black tea blend, perfect for increasing circulation, warmth and energy. Black tea, ginger root, licorice root, ginseng root, jasmine flowers, coriander, cloves, peppercorns, saw palmetto berries, cayenne pepper, and Saigon cinnamon.

Citrus, Apple & Spice Tea (Herbal) Get your Vitamin C booster with a tasty depth of tart, fruity flavor. Hibiscus Flowers, Spearmint, Red Raspberry Leaf, Rosehips, Echinacea, Orange Peel, Dried Apple Bits, Tangerine Peel, Lemon Peel, Ginger Root and Clove

Cinnamonious Tea (Black Chai) The name says it all. Take a trip to the Spice Islands or grandma’s kitchen with this warm and flavorful black tea blend. Black Tea, Jasmine Flowers, Taheebo, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Cloves, Saigon Cinnamon and Ginger.

Winter Wonder (Herbal) Supportive in cold and flu season but a pleasingly flavorful taste of spearmint and citrus anytime. Mullein, Spearmint, Yarrow, Pau D’ Arco, Fennel, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Rosehips, Licorice Root, Lemon Balm, and Fenugreek.

Heavenly Harvest (Herbal) Our classic herbal blend. Mellow and calming yet designed to support and strengthen the immune system. A relaxing evening tea Peppermint, Spearmint, Mullein, Chamomile, Taheebo, Yarrow, Comfrey, Fenugreek, Rosehips, and Fennel.

Mellow Yellow (Herbal) Uplifting to the spirit and stabilizing to the emotions while calming to the body, this is a good tea for unwinding with the smoothness of lemon, lavender and mint. lemon balm, lemongrass, lemon peel, linden flowers, chamomile, lavender, spearmint and St. John’s wort flowers.

Tummy Tea (Herbal) Soothing to the stomach, relieves gas and aids digestion, relaxing and healing. Mellow, minty blend. Peppermint, Oatstraw, Chamomile, Echinacea, Taheebo, Lemon Balm, Comfrey, Fennel, Lemon Peel, Ginger Root and Parsley Leaf.