herbal tonics

Renew yourself inside and out with teas and tonics that tantalize and invigorate.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

lemongrass explained

Lemongrass - herb and oil uses

Since I put lemongrass in so many of my products, it’s about time this amazing plant was explained a little. 

First, My Story:  Lemongrass is the oil that got me interested in essential oils in the first place.  Maybe that explains my love for it.  Over 5 years ago, I had a kinked neck from doing too many sommersaults while teaching gymnastics (a clue to my craziness) that had been hanging on for a week despite my best efforts of stretching, massage and adjustments.  A friend rubbed some lemongrass on my neck and shoulder muscles and about 15 minutes later, I was nearly pain free and could move my neck freely again!  I was so amazed that I began my study and schooling of essential oils.  I since have learned that lemongrass is your number one choice for repairing torn ligaments!

Historically: lemongrass has been used for purification and digestion

Medicinally:  The essential oil has been shown to have strong antifungal and antibacterial action as well as be antiparasitic.  It is anti-inflammatory, dilates blood vessels, improves circulation, promotes lymph flow, and regenerates connective tissues and ligaments.  It is great for the skin.

Used For:  The herb and oil have also been used for bladder, respiratory and sinus infections, digestive problems, parasites, fluid retention, varicose veins, bug repellent and Salmonella.

T’s Tonics products Lemongrass is found in:  Sun and Skin Soother, Skeeter Beater, Lip Infusion, Sore Muscle Salve, Teen Skin Tonic, Hair Tease conditioner, Mellow Yellow Tea, Citrus Hibiscus Tea.
And now you know the rest of the story.  I hope you enjoy some lemongrass today.