herbal tonics

Renew yourself inside and out with teas and tonics that tantalize and invigorate.

Monday, January 31, 2011

mood lifting citrus

The mood lifting power of citrus!
My daughter peeled an orange in the car the other day and I heard us all take some deep breaths in as that citrusy aroma filled the air.  I had forgotten how uplifting and renewing that sweet smell is!   It made me realize I had also forgotten for a while how I would diffuse lemon essential oil in the air at home to freshen any heavy feeling in the air.  We call it our happy oil.
This time of year we can use some happy oil.  Actually there is a lot of chemistry behind the many benefits of citrus fruits for us at all times but there is a reason they are ripe in the winter.  We need them!  Not to mention their high vitamin C factor...
Here's 5 quick fixes to lift the mood if you tend to get down with the gray length of winter:
1)  Rub a drop of lemon or orange essential oil under your nose, or spray or diffuse it in the home and car.
2)  Drink a lemonade drink:
Squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into a glass,
add 1 tsp.-1 Tbsp pure maple syrup, agave or honey to your taste,
fill with water, sprinkle top with dash of cayenne pepper, stir and drink.
This is a pleasingly tasteful recipe to a whole cleanse program called the master cleanse, but taken in the middle of the day is a great energy pick-up, body alkalizer, mood lifter, and just plain refreshing drink.
3)  Move your body in some new ways:
Sun Salutation:  Swing your arms up high then down straight as if you are sweeping the floor with them along the sides of your body and behind you, bending your knees and body in one fluid motion and back up to the sky again.  Do this at least 3 times, breathing in and out deeply.  It is called the sun salutation in yoga and gets the oxygen pumping through your body, naturally energizing you.
Turning music up and dancing around the house also helps me as I sometimes stop feeling and seeing my body under all the layers of winter.
Zumba  class has helped me move my hips and body in different ways this winter.  I run 3 times a week and find my body gets moving in only one linear way.  Any cross training or new activities work to jump it out of stuck patterns.
4)  Drink tea:
Citrus Hibiscus green tea or my latest Renewal green tea are great choices to up the matabolism, happy factor and feeling of well being along with strengthening internal body systems and just plain tasting delicious!  The high antioxidant content in green tea makes it a perfect choice for any time of year.
5)  Belly Laugh:  Any way that works for you.  I have kids so the entertainment factor is built in.  My husband laughs at animals.  My son laughs at word plays and catchy signs and sayings.  My daughter can tell hilarious stories about the everyday dramas of highschool.  I'm amazed at the great youtube.com laughability factor.  Find what tickles your funny bone then get it tickled often!

Back to the citrus mood lifting power... if you don't have your own source at home here is an easy one for you to purchase:  T's Tonics Citrus Cheer Aroma Spray.  It's all natural and mists the air and yourself with hundreds of spritzes of mood lifting cheer.  My kids love it as their body spray on the way to school in the morning.  I love it sprayed on my face in the middle of the day as a refreshing lift.

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