herbal tonics

Renew yourself inside and out with teas and tonics that tantalize and invigorate.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Burdock root uses for pain and skin

Burdock is quickly becoming one of my favorite herbs.  We took it initially for skin problems and I saw it working equally well helping clear up our older teenagers’ pimples as it did on helping my younger daughter’s extremely dry skin (to the point of eczema and dry scalp problems.) I then was requested to put it in a kidney tonic for some therapists and noticed how good it seemed to work for pain.  That led to more research on it’s inflammation reducing properies.  The more I find out about it and use it, the more I like this root.  Here are over 7 areas this amazing herb can be a help in:

Burdock Root is claimed to be one of (1) nature’s best blood cleansers and is helpful in not only ridding the body of dangerous toxins, but is a binder and expeller of heavy metals in the body. The root contains trace amounts of natural mercury, which makes it useful in mercury detoxification programs.
 It is an excellent (2) liver and kidney cleanser as well as helpful for the whole glandular system. Because it increases the flow of urine and promotes sweating, it is used today as a (3) diuretic.  It will help rid the body of excess water weight.
Burdock is also helpful in (4) reducing swelling and deposits in the joints. Therefore, it is commonly used to ease arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago (backaches).
It is helpful for most (5) skin conditions and is a major treatment for eczema, psoriasis, and even canker sores.  It is used externally and internally for skin solutions.  Because of its (6) high mineral and calcium content, people have also found it helpful for hair and nail growth.
Some people have also found it helpful for (7+) fatigue, nervous disorders and soothing hemorrhoids.

How to take:  Although it can be found in some external skin ointments the most common way to take this herb is internally in capsule form, available at your health food store (or buy bulk burdock powder and make your own).  You can also find this root fresh in some stores, generally in the fall, to prepare and add it to your own recipes.  Here are a few ideas:

To Process:  Chop the root fine in a food processor and add it into soups and stews.  It has a strong, not very pleasant taste, but can be disguised in good sauces or vinegars.  Any left over can be dried or placed chopped in a jar and covered with vinegar to keep for months in the refrigerator.  It can also be added to tea or made into it’s own decoction.  I generally like it better in combination with other herbs.
Recipe for Internal cleansing and Skin:  (Made into capsules)
1 part Burdock root powder
1 part Pau D’ Arco powder
1 part Black Walnut powder
1 part Slippery Elm Bark
1 part Chaparral powder

Found in:  At T’s Tonics, this herb can be found in our Pain Relief Tea, Pain Support Tonic, Strong Bone Tea and Kidney Tincture.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Skeeter Beater Time!

Skeeter Beater
beats mo-skeeters and more  This All Natural formula repels mosquitoes and other bugs, relieves bee and spider bites too!  
We were camping up in the Idaho mountains this last weekend and thoroughly tested and proved the Skeeter Beater again! The bugs up there are BIG and Tough but I came home without a bite. Yey! 
 Tested and proven effective at the high lakes of Central Oregon for the last 4 summers and proven on vicious bugs in the far off countries of Brazil, Belize, Tennessee, North Carolina and Uganda, Africa!  
Here's what some people are saying about T's Tonics Skeeter Beater:
 “The Skeeter Beater worked great in Africa!  I need two more bottles to share with friends.” -Lashae B.
 “I had a large spider bite and after I sprayed it the swelling and discomfort went right down.” –Tena F.
“The deet sprays others in our group brought weren’t working.  By the end of the trip everyone was using my Skeeter Beater.  I didn’t get one bite and I smelled great!”  -Jenay B.

"My teenage son, Conner, has been using this when his face breaks out and loves it.  It really helps his skin." -Teresa S.
Your skin will love it, the bugs won’t.  Use on bites, rashes, sunburns, and other skin conditions too!  Reapply every 2 hours. 
All organic ingredients:  Organic aloe vera, extra virgin olive oil, pure water, rosemary extract, organic witch hazel, vit. E oil, therapeutic grade essential oils of lemongrass, tea tree, geranium, eucalyptus, citronella, cedarwood, juniper, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus blue and more. Guaranteed.  
 Hand blended in Powell Butte, OR by T’s Tonics. 
Soon to be available on-line but available now at local markets and stores: At the Beach store, downtown Bend, OR, Newport Market, Bend, OR, For all Seasons, Bend, OR, Central Oregon Locavore, Bend, OR, Schoolhouse Produce, Redmond, OR, Melvins, Sisters, OR, Book & Bean, Prineville, OR. Eagle Crest Tuesday Market, Sisters Friday Market, and Northwest Crossing Saturday Market.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

5 Reasons to always travel with T’s Tonics Sun & Skin Soother

5 Reasons to always travel with T’s Tonics Sun & Skin Soother
1.     Uniquely protects your skin and system on multiple levels:  Has sun protection with Myrrh resin and natural zinc oxide.  These are the skin friendly sun protectors that allow Vitamin D in but keep the harmful UVB rays out.  It is Rich in vitamin E and antioxidants that protect against free radicals (skin agers) in the environment, (has 3x the vitamin E content as olive oil).  Hydrates the skin with aloe and oils that keep it soft, elastic and looking young.
2.     Repairs damaged skin due to sunburns, burns, rashes, or other skin irritations.  Small molecules go right into the cellular level pushing oxygen and nutrients in and toxins out to renew cells.  Aloe and repairing oils of myrrh, elemi, lavender and more, soothe and heal damaged skin.  Lemongrass repairs connective tissues.  Rich in minerals that help build new skin.
3.     Easy to use and travel with T’s Tonics Sun & Skin Soother.  With it’s quick spray on applicator, no painful rubbing is required.  It is non-greasy and quickly absorbed on the skin.  Naturally preserved with vitamin E oil and non-sensitive to heat or cold conditions, it is long lasting and carefree for traveling in different climates.  It comes in a 2 oz. travel size bottle easy to put in your bag and take everywhere.  We keep one in the car and nearly every room for quick moisturizing.  I never travel without it.
4.     Organic and ultra friendly to you, the environment, animals and kids.  Don’t worry about damaging pool or spa water, yourself or anything else. T’s Tonics Sun & Skin Soother is only beneficial.  Our skin, being the largest organ of the body, absorbs what’s on it even quicker that our stomachs!  Young kids are especially sensitive to chemicals and toxins with their small, active systems.  T’s Tonics Sun & Skin Soother is a natural, easy, healthy and effective alternative for their tender skin. 
5.     Multi-purpose.  You can use T’s Tonics Sun & Skin Soother as a moisturizer, sun protector, bug repellent, and skin repairer of burns, rashes, skin issues and other problems.  It is my favorite face and body moisturizer.  It’s multi-purpose usefulness makes it ideal as a #1 travel choice.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

mellow yellow a sleep happy herbal tea

Need to get some good sleep?  Feel calm, less stressed? There are herbs that, combined together, can synergistically help make this a healthy reality.  We have blended them into a tea we call Mellow Yellow.  We have found it very effective.  It's great to have on hand if you have kids, elders, spouses, co-workers, friends, enemies, fellow travelers, yourself.                                                      "I slept so good for the first time in a long time.  That tea works!" -Cat K. 
Mellow Yellow Described
Mellow Yellow is an organic herbal tea blend which is Uplifting to the spirit while calming to the body*  This is a mellow tea that promotes sleep, well being in mind and body, and tension relief.  Ours tastes mainly of lemongrass and chamomile.  It's Delicious!  100% organic herbs of: 
Peppermint and Chamomile are both good for the digestive and nervous systems.  They are also used for headaches, upset stomachs, colds and general system cleansers.
lemon balm, Excellent for soothing the nerves and “lifting the spirits”, strengthens the digestive system and helpful to stress related digestive problems.
lemongrass, rich in minerals, good for respiratory and skin, promotes sleep
lemon peel, helps build immune system, good for circulation, digestion and lifting depression.
linden flowers, popular in Europe as a calming tea for stomach and mind, promotes sleep.
oatstraw, rich in minerals, magnesium and calcium, helps strengthen nervous system.
passionflower, one of the best herbs for chronic insomnia, mild sedative, used to treat pain and imbalances in nervous system
lemon verbena, used to help ease muscle and stomach spasms, mild sedative and stress reducer.
lavender, has relaxing effect on mind and body. Good for anxiety, nervousness and stress related symptoms, sleep.
St. John’s wort flowers. Used to lift depression as well as menopausal triggered anxiety, has a sedative and pain-reducing effect, helpful for calming muscle spasms and nerve injuries.
 Blend your own or find ours on our website tstonics.com  Our blend makes about 60 cups of organic, locally sourced and blended (Oregon), guaranteed, herbal tea.  We uniquely super infuse our teas with therapeutic essential oils for oxygen, energy, and health.  Enjoy!
Produced by T’s Tonics.  For educational purposes only.  *Not evaluated by the Drug administration.  Not intented to diagnose, or treat diseases. Tstonics.com 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

what is red rooibos

it even tastes good sideways!
Red Rooibos tea explained
What is it? Why drink it? What benefits? 

The needle like leaves of this fair trade organic certified rooibos are only grown in the high mountains of South Africa’s Cape region.  Used in Africa for centuries, it is becoming popular in western countries for it’s amazing health benefits and flavor.
Showing some of the highest antioxidant levels found in herbs with 3 times as much as green tea, this bush tea has no caffeine or the tannins found in black teas that create the bitter after taste.  It is also rich in minerals.
With sweet, slightly nutty and woodsy tones this tea has a depth of flavor that allows it to be steeped again and again if desired.
It acts as an antispasmodic agent to relief stomach cramps and colic in babies. It is also used to help nervous tension, allergies, digestive problems, asthma and skin clearing.
Also has components known to fight cancer.
It combines well with many flavors and has been blended with flowers, chai spices, fruits and citrus, vanilla, chocolate and more.
At T's Tonics it is the base for our Walk in the Jungle Tea, combined with cinnamon chips, cloves, herbs and spices.  And it is blended in our latest beautiful Bark and Blooms valentine tea with hibiscus, rose petals, rosehips and jasmine buds. That can be found at Tres Jolie de Bend, Newport Market in Bend and CE Lovejoys in Bend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Love that Hibiscus Rooibos

Love at first sip!
Our latest tea favorite. You've got to try it! An amazing Red Rooibos and hibiscus blend.  We're calling it Bark & Blooms, you'll see why. 

How do you fill your cup up with deep red goodness?
You take some organic dried hibiscus flowers, (tart burst of flavor, high vit. C, lovely color)

Add some Jasmine flower buds (the love flower)

then some Pau'D Arco 
(a whole system supporter, blood and skin purifier, I add this to most of my teas)

Throw in some red rose petals, 
(not only a symbol of love, it's soothing to throat and stomach and mildly delicious)

Add all of this together with some fair trade organic red rooibos and sweet rosehips. 
Steep a teaspoon full for 4 minutes in hot water, add 1/2 teaspoon honey or agave, and you have yourself one flavorful cup of tea! 

Here at T's Tonics we've bagged it up pretty and added a heart shaped tea infuser.  Bribery gift for your loved one.  They have to share!
  Not available on our website.  Request at info@tstonics.com if you are interested. Retail price is $10.  Makes 40-50 cups of tea.

“Love is the most universal, formidable and mysterious of cosmic energies.” –Chardin

Monday, January 9, 2012

tea and love

Love and tea.  What's not to love?
“Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.”  - Henry Fielding (1707-1754)

Ari thought compressed tea leaf hearts were so cool!
It's a new year and I am already thinking ahead to my one of my favorite holidays, Valentine's Day, and all of the mushy love quotes, recipes and herbs that symbolize love that I want to share with you.

So I'm getting started early. I plan on posting them periodically throughout the month of January up until Valentine's so beware!  We are talking good clean love and fun quotes here. This is a PG rated family site!

But speaking of love and herbs:  Did you know that some chai spices are good for the libido?  Cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper, cardomon, and ginger all increase circulation and can help elevate energy and passion!  

Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Rose also help balance emotions and enhance relationships.  These in essential oil form are powerful and lovely fragrances that naturally make me think of love and warmth.  (Not the cheap old lady rose smell, the really expensive real rose smell)

I am going to have fun with teas and yummy smells this week.  Hope yours is good too!