herbal tonics

Renew yourself inside and out with teas and tonics that tantalize and invigorate.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bath and Shower Salts-Magnesium help

Case for using bath salts (even in the shower)
open sinuses with infuser in shower
We may think of soaking in a bath of salts only as a last resort when we have sore, over worked muscles or are sick and desperate for relief.  But consider some of the other benefits of bath salts:
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) is the #1 ingredient in most bath salts.  Magnesium, which doctors now say many people are lacking in, is usually obtained through natural water sources (hard water), green vegetables and whole grains.  It is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body:  Normal muscle and nerve function, heart, immune system, strong bones, it also helps maintain blood sugar levels, normal blood pressure and is involved in energy metabolism to name a few.  Epsom salt in the bath helps relieve muscle and joint aches and is also used to relieve constipation and aid digestion.  It is the quickest way (and least expensive) to obtain magnesium into your system because your skin, being your largest organ, is much quicker than your stomach to absorb minerals, etc.  (That’s why we are very careful what we put on our body!)  A great side effect of magnesium is to help balance emotions.  That’s why Epsom salt is a great de-stresser!
Sea Salts contain many trace minerals needed in the body.  Benefits of sea salts are almost the same as magnesium and include: strengthening the immune system, alkalizing the body, helping weight loss, skin problems, asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, muscle spasms, and depression. 
Oils and essential oils – therapeutic aromatics help open breathing, heart, senses and relax muscles, emotions, etc.
In the Shower - If you are like me you find yourself in the shower far more than in the bath. So use your bath salts in the shower! Put a tablespoon in cheesecloth, sachet or tea strainer/infuser and hang in the shower under your water.  Your will receive therapeutic benefits as the water activates the salts and oils.  Enjoy!
Easy Bath Salt Recipe
1 cup Epsom Salt
1 cup Mediterranean, Celtic or Dead Sea Salt
½ cup Soda Salt
¼ cup Baking Soda
1 tsp. jojoba, grapeseed, or Vit. E oil
¼ cup dried herbs of choice (optional)
15-20 drops essential oil of choice: depending on needs – eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, wintergreen, peppermint with orange, etc.
Mix together thoroughly and secure in labeled glass jar.  Use 2-3 Tbsp per bath.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

lemongrass explained

Lemongrass - herb and oil uses

Since I put lemongrass in so many of my products, it’s about time this amazing plant was explained a little. 

First, My Story:  Lemongrass is the oil that got me interested in essential oils in the first place.  Maybe that explains my love for it.  Over 5 years ago, I had a kinked neck from doing too many sommersaults while teaching gymnastics (a clue to my craziness) that had been hanging on for a week despite my best efforts of stretching, massage and adjustments.  A friend rubbed some lemongrass on my neck and shoulder muscles and about 15 minutes later, I was nearly pain free and could move my neck freely again!  I was so amazed that I began my study and schooling of essential oils.  I since have learned that lemongrass is your number one choice for repairing torn ligaments!

Historically: lemongrass has been used for purification and digestion

Medicinally:  The essential oil has been shown to have strong antifungal and antibacterial action as well as be antiparasitic.  It is anti-inflammatory, dilates blood vessels, improves circulation, promotes lymph flow, and regenerates connective tissues and ligaments.  It is great for the skin.

Used For:  The herb and oil have also been used for bladder, respiratory and sinus infections, digestive problems, parasites, fluid retention, varicose veins, bug repellent and Salmonella.

T’s Tonics products Lemongrass is found in:  Sun and Skin Soother, Skeeter Beater, Lip Infusion, Sore Muscle Salve, Teen Skin Tonic, Hair Tease conditioner, Mellow Yellow Tea, Citrus Hibiscus Tea.
And now you know the rest of the story.  I hope you enjoy some lemongrass today.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Arnica montana flower and tincture

Arnica flower and tincture

What is arnica?  Arnica Montana is a high mountain meadow plant well known and documented in Germany and many parts of the world for its quick healing abilities.  (the German nickname for it means “stand up and walk home.”) It’s bright yellow flowers are used in external applications for pain and inflammation. This herb is the most powerful, quick working medicine I know for inflammations, bumps, bruises, and injury pain.  
We have used it for years in my family as the kids have grown and been active in sports.  It is also good for sprains and sore muscles, and reported to help with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  It helps relieve the pressure, pain and swelling of injuries on location.*  The earlier after injury that it can be applied the better.  Think of it as your ice pack.  It is recommended that it not be used internally, or on open wounds or broken skin.  

It is available in the form of ointment, tincture, or homeopathically in your local grocery health section.  Here at T’s Tonics, we offer fresh wild-harvested arnica in a spray form making it easy to apply without touching sensitive areas as well as quick to soak in. A few drops of therapeutic peppermint oil acts as a “driver oil” and works synergistically with the arnica to go in deep to stop swelling at the cellular level.  Whatever form you choose, this is a good tool to have on hand for those unexpected bumps, bruises and pains that come along.
*This information is for educational purposes only and not to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases. 

Arnica testamonials
“My wife sprayed it on my back which has been in pain and almost instantly it gave relief.  2 hours of no pain.  It was like a miracle.” –Antonio T.
“My arms and hands were going to sleep on me at night.  After I sprayed it on the back of my neck, I slept through the night without any numbness.” – Charity H.
“My fingers give me fits sometimes because of overworking and arthritis.  The arnica spray is very helpful at reducing swelling and discomfort.” If I use it after working hard, I will not wake up the next day as sore as I am without using it.” – Dennis H.
“It gave relief soon after spraying it on my knee injury.” –Steve
“I use the arnica spray on my inflamed skin dermatitis.  T’s Tonics is more potent and works better than other arnicas I have used.” –Marjorie O

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

making sun infused oils

infusing calandula flowers
Infusing oils with herbs is easy.

Choose herbs:  I always use dried herbs although I know fresh are often used.  Just be sure they are washed and dried thoroughly to avoid bacteria growth and that there is no moisture or air trapped in stems.  (think of the old addage, "oil and water do not mix")

Choose oil/s:  This will depend on what you are wanting to do with the infusion.
Olive oil goes rancid quickly so only choose if you are using the oil up within a couple of months.
For skin care products there are many choices and it is fun to experiment and find ones you like.  My absolute favorite is grapeseed oil because it has 3 times the vitamin E content as olive oil yet has small molecules so it soaks in deep and quick without the greasy feel of many heavier oils.  This is not the best choice for an oil you want to stay on the surface long.  Other oils I often use are coconut oil (liquid at 78 degrees F), sweet almond oil, jojoba, or wheat germ.  Shea butter and cocoa butter get added later to balms and salves.

Stuff a quart jar 2/3 full of herbs and pour your oils over mixture to 1/2 inch from top.  Put on lid and shake gently to mix.  Sit on a window ledge in the sun for 2 to 3 weeks or longer.  Shake to mix a couple times a week or when you think of it.  Strain off the herbs with a fine coffee strainer or cheesecloth.  Make sure to label and date your blend.  Pour into bottles and enjoy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

green food natural and easy

Green your food for St. Patrick's day fun.

The easiest most natural way I know how to green food is simply add a teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll to whatever it is you are making.  I put a half spoonful into my husband's drink, added a spoonful into the bread ingredients in the breadmaker, it's also great for green eggs and ham scramble.  If you dare, you could turn chicken meat, cauliflower and/or potatoes green this way, although I don't know if they will get eaten.  It also works great in cakes and muffins, whip cream, sour cream, etc.  Have fun!

What is chlorophyll?
Liquid Clorophyll can be found inexpensively in your local grocery store health section.
Chlorophyll is the part of living plants that make them green.  The liquid chlorophylls I am familiar with are derived from alfalfa and mint.  They have little taste but deep green color.  Beware, they can stain.

Used for?
Chlorophyll is used as a natural internal deodorant.  It is also good for allergies, skin problems, digestion, and many other things.

Happy St. Patty's Day.  Go Green!

green renewal

Go Green this spring!

Here's some herbs that will help you cleanse and lighten up for spring:

Recharge your energy & rejuvenate your system naturally with this pleasing All Organic green tea and herbal blend:
Jasmine Green tea has powerful anti-oxidants and tannins shown to strengthen our immune systems, increase metabolism and energy and help fight bacteria.
Siberian ginseng can help the body respond better to stress.  Good for both male and female hormones and is used to treat many conditions including fatigue, insomnia, lethargy, memory, endurance, and immune system.
Pau D’ Arco is high in calcium, a blood purifier and antifungal, helpful in fighting yeast infections and skin problems.
Red clover is high in minerals and is an excellent blood purifier.
Ginger has been used for digestive disorders, motion sickness, fever and coughing and helps lower cholesterol.
Nettle is a blood purifier high in vitamin C and minerals, strengthens liver and kidney function.  Helpful for allergies.
Olive Leaf is a natural antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal shown to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, help respiratory response and heart and skin health.
Chickweed is high in vitamin C and helps dissolve fat and mucous in the body.  Good for skin problems.
Juniper berries act as a diuretic and disinfectant, strengthen the adrenal glands, blood and kidneys.  Good for diabetes.
Stevia leaf is used to treat digestion, liver and intestines as well as being a natural sweetener.

Statements are for educational purpose only.  Not intended to diagnose, treat or cure and diseases.  

You can combine your own herbs or e-mail me for our Renewal Tea which has all of these herbs in it and has a pleasing balanced flavor of green tea.  A pleasant was to renew yourself!  bags are stuffed with 3 ounces of bulk tea which will get you about 60 cups worth for only $7.95 plus shipping.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Steps of Empowerment

We can choose today to take steps towards becoming our greatest self. As we grow, we empower others to move towards their highest potential also. First, we have to be able to envision the end result we want. Then the action can happen.
Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils can help us make changes and achieve our desires. They work on the cellular level to support us in creating what our mind sees and thinks and imprinting it into our cells! *
This sequence of oils is designed to empower you. Use 1 drop of each oil in sequence. As you visualize each action step, breath the oil in or put on wrists, back of neck, head or where desired.
1. Valor – It takes courage to change. Embrace change.
2. Envision – Change first occurs in our mind. We have to see it first to make it a reality. Begin with the end in mind.
3. Believe – Believe in the company, product, yourself, and that you can make a positive difference in people’s lives.
4. Gratitude – Focus on adding value to other people. Be of service and experience the joy of it. God is a very big, generous God. Give thanks for that.
5. Acceptance – Accept that God wants “Life more abundantly” for you. Accept that you deserve it.
6. Abundance, Highest Potential – Visualize your life with abundance.
*We are required to remind you that this information is for educational purposes only and not designed to diagnose, treat, or cure. This information has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

bend winterfest thanks to local artists

forgot my camara so this is a quick ending shot from phone.
Thanks to all that made the Bend Winterfest happen!

They did a great job putting on a big event, with all of the races, ice carving, rail jam, Metal Mulisha, live music, OMSI, wine tasting, art and food vendors, and many other details to orchestrate.  These kinds of events take a huge amount of energy by everybody involved.  But they are always worth the effort.  Right?

I was absolutely amazed by some of the beautiful products created by local artists.  And considering the perfect winter weather called to order for the event and hazardous roads along with it, the turnout of people was amazing. 
But you know the part I liked the best?  The great people I met!
Here are a few that stood out:
www.newportavemarket.com did an amazing job building a beautiful display, even bringing in the famous purple cow, and generously handing out delicious samples.  Thanks for supporting all of us!
www.YogaIndigo.com is the website of one on one yoga with Jeannie Laslo.  I am taking my sister to try out a yoga session SOON.
www.kristinabak.com is the site for Kristina who doing healing work.  This is another connection I was really thankful to make.
www.idacupcakecafe.com is the site for Ida who had a lovely booth right next to me.  Ida was such a dear and gave me a new love for heavenly cupcakes.  I’ve discovered they go very nicely with tea!
www.taylorsausage.com/bend had the booth on the other side of me.  Tasty!  And those guys were some of the most popular people there with their generous samples of top notch sausage.  Thanks for feeding us so well.
www.cinderconeclaycenter.com is where you can find more pottery by John Kinder.  We traded teas for a well-balanced WinterFest pottery mug I am cherishing but fighting with my husband over.
www.organiccoffee.com kept us stocked with hot water for our tea when we ran out on Saturday.

I love all the grass roots local stuff being created and supported in this great area.  Local is awesome!

There are many more that are just not coming to mind at the moment.  But thanks to all for the huge efforts and great visits.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

red hot applesauce

red hot applesauce recipe

I just ate the best applesauce shared by my aunt Jennie that was so tasty and easy!  I would have loved to share the recipe with you for Valentine's Day but it's never too late to add a little spice and excitement to your life, right?  If you have lots of winter apples or your applesauce this is an easy way to make it special:

heat your applesauce or apple slices (fresh or frozen is fine,a few cups) on simmer and add some red hot candies in, stir until they melt into the sauce. Serve up!

This is not only a tasty, low fat treat but it looks and smells beautiful too, with a rich pink color and cinnamon spice flavor.  Thanks Aunt Jennie!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

spring tonic tea

T’s Tonics Spring Tonic Tea 
I know I get anxious as spring comes nearer to do some cleansing and "lighten up the load".  
Since I always like to know what the herbs I am putting in me are supposed to be a tonic for, I thought this might help you too.  You can create a similar tea of your own or e-mail me for this one.  
It is lovely anytime of year, but designed for spring issues, allergies and cleansing.  Licorice, anise and green tea make it a flavorful and pleasing tonic.  
Rejuvenate the body, purify the blood and cleanse the skin with all organic Spring herbs:

Green tea has powerful anti-oxidants that strengthen our immune systems, increase metabolism and energy and help fight bacteria.
Pau D’ Arco is high in calcium, a blood purifier and antifungal, helpful in fighting yeast infections and skin problems.
Fennel seed and Star anise are a catalyst for other herbs and helpful for the digestion.
Dandelion leaf is one of the best blood and liver cleansers and builders, high in vitamins and calcium, helps lower blood pressure and build endurance energy
Hyssop was used for cleansing and purifying in the Bible and is excellent for the skin.
Yarrow is good for flu and fevers, helps cleanse the glands, liver, kidney and bladder and dispel mucus in the system.
Red clover is high in minerals and is an excellent blood purifier.
Licorice root helps strengthen immune system, throat problems, and harmonizes herbs.
Marshmallow root helps clear the system of mucus build-up and is good for colds and flu.
Horsetail is rich in silicon which enables the body to make collagen, giving elasticity and strength to skin, bones and hair.                                 
  *Statements are for educational purpose only.  Not intended to diagnose, treat or cure and diseases.  Created by T’s Tonics.

Monday, January 31, 2011

mood lifting citrus

The mood lifting power of citrus!
My daughter peeled an orange in the car the other day and I heard us all take some deep breaths in as that citrusy aroma filled the air.  I had forgotten how uplifting and renewing that sweet smell is!   It made me realize I had also forgotten for a while how I would diffuse lemon essential oil in the air at home to freshen any heavy feeling in the air.  We call it our happy oil.
This time of year we can use some happy oil.  Actually there is a lot of chemistry behind the many benefits of citrus fruits for us at all times but there is a reason they are ripe in the winter.  We need them!  Not to mention their high vitamin C factor...
Here's 5 quick fixes to lift the mood if you tend to get down with the gray length of winter:
1)  Rub a drop of lemon or orange essential oil under your nose, or spray or diffuse it in the home and car.
2)  Drink a lemonade drink:
Squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into a glass,
add 1 tsp.-1 Tbsp pure maple syrup, agave or honey to your taste,
fill with water, sprinkle top with dash of cayenne pepper, stir and drink.
This is a pleasingly tasteful recipe to a whole cleanse program called the master cleanse, but taken in the middle of the day is a great energy pick-up, body alkalizer, mood lifter, and just plain refreshing drink.
3)  Move your body in some new ways:
Sun Salutation:  Swing your arms up high then down straight as if you are sweeping the floor with them along the sides of your body and behind you, bending your knees and body in one fluid motion and back up to the sky again.  Do this at least 3 times, breathing in and out deeply.  It is called the sun salutation in yoga and gets the oxygen pumping through your body, naturally energizing you.
Turning music up and dancing around the house also helps me as I sometimes stop feeling and seeing my body under all the layers of winter.
Zumba  class has helped me move my hips and body in different ways this winter.  I run 3 times a week and find my body gets moving in only one linear way.  Any cross training or new activities work to jump it out of stuck patterns.
4)  Drink tea:
Citrus Hibiscus green tea or my latest Renewal green tea are great choices to up the matabolism, happy factor and feeling of well being along with strengthening internal body systems and just plain tasting delicious!  The high antioxidant content in green tea makes it a perfect choice for any time of year.
5)  Belly Laugh:  Any way that works for you.  I have kids so the entertainment factor is built in.  My husband laughs at animals.  My son laughs at word plays and catchy signs and sayings.  My daughter can tell hilarious stories about the everyday dramas of highschool.  I'm amazed at the great youtube.com laughability factor.  Find what tickles your funny bone then get it tickled often!

Back to the citrus mood lifting power... if you don't have your own source at home here is an easy one for you to purchase:  T's Tonics Citrus Cheer Aroma Spray.  It's all natural and mists the air and yourself with hundreds of spritzes of mood lifting cheer.  My kids love it as their body spray on the way to school in the morning.  I love it sprayed on my face in the middle of the day as a refreshing lift.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

teas at the coffee stops

Teas are coming to the coffee shops!
 I'm always amazed at the variety of drinks one can find in the Northwest.  We love our fresh ground coffee, our microbrews and increasingly, our loose leaf organic teas. Here's one more place in Central Oregon you can find the best fresh teas around, that's T's Tonics herbal and fair trade teas, of course.
Coho Coffee Co. in downtown Redmond, OR.  Stop in and say hi to Dick, the owner there, and grab a hot cup or buy a whole bag.  They are on 623 NW Cedar Ave. right by the awesome fabric store.

Monday, January 24, 2011

full disclosure organic company

We are a Full disclosure company
It is becoming an increasing concern and interest to the consumer where our food is coming from.  I am excited that the public is demanding to be more educated on what processing is actually happening with what we eat and therefore, hopefully, creating more accountability in the farm and food industry.
I want to assure you that we are a full disclosure company.  That means we will tell you everything that is in a tea or tonic we make.  We will also gladly tell you where it comes from and thank you for asking. 
We are proud of the top quality of our organic and wild harvested herbs.  What we cannot grow or wild harvest locally here in Central Oregon, we order certified organic first from Oregon then other areas.  Our herbs are fresh harvested within the year for top potency, color and flavor.  Our loose leaf black and red teas which do come from out of the country are fair trade and organic certified.
Our belief is that local health concerns have local solutions.  It has been shown that there is usually found growing in the area what is needed to take care of local allergies, skin conditions and internal problems, for example.  We try to find and blend into teas, tonics, balms and elixirs, organic easy solutions to invigorate, renew, and energize you as well as engage and enchant!
Try our new Renewal Tea to recharge yourself today!  This is not yet on our tstonics.com website so you can order by e-mail www.tstonics@tstonics.com or calling 541-419-1284.  More information to follow soon.